About The

GSC Platform is on a mission to transform online commerce for agriculturists, local merchants, and skilled laborers. We follow a "local first, global ready" model, enriching global participation and benefit distribution.

Our vision is clear: to advance the Indian economy by offering an untapped market to global producers. We empower local agri merchants, agriculturists, and laborers to effortlessly connect with nearby customers and aggregators. This not only bolsters the local economy but also optimizes supply and demand at a micro level.

Features of

User Interface & Experience

Efficient hierarchy, tailored analytics, and user assignments for organized structure management.

Farm and Crop Management

Track regional crop planning, soil health, monsoon, irrigation, and pest alerts.

Inventory, Stock & Warehouse Management

Inventory and input tracking, warehouse management, and supply chain integration for real-time updates.

Marketplace & Product Listing

Farmers list, bid, ensure quality, and track products in real time.

Order & Sales Management

Seamless local to-global exchange, B2C/C2B transactions, and invoicing with an integrated payment gateway.

Labor Supply & Recruitment

Comprehensive labor profiles, job matching, digital payments, and analytics for efficient workforce management.

Benefits Administration

Manage employee benefits effortlessly, enhancing overall job satisfaction and retention.

Community & Collaboration

Empowering communities with forums, collaboration tools, and integration with Farmer Producer Organizations for effective networking.

Supply Chain & Logistics

Connect with logistics providers, track shipments, and integrate with storage facilities for streamlined operations.

Financial Management

Track expenses, analyze finances, integrate with financial institutions, and access government schemes and Kisan Credit Card details.

Market Insights & Analytics

Real-time market updates, demand forecasting, and sales analytics.


GSC Platform is an online marketplace connecting agriculturists, local merchants, and skilled laborers, focusing on both local and global participation.

GSC Platform boosts the local economy while opening untapped global markets for producers

Our platform includes user-friendly interfaces, crop management, inventory tracking, labor recruitment, and market insights

Yes, GSC Platform is available nationwide, empowering users from all regions.