About The

OloHR is your ultimate HR solution. Bid farewell to time-consuming activities like payroll, onboarding, and benefits administration, allowing you to redirect your efforts towards strategic endeavors such as enhancing employee engagement and fostering talent growth. Experience the pinnacle of efficiency in HR operations with our cutting-edge software

Features of

Employee Information Management

Seamlessly store and manage employee data, ensuring easy access to vital information and streamlined HR operations.

Attendance and Leave Management

Simplify attendance tracking and leave requests, allowing HR teams to focus on strategic initiatives.

Payroll Management

Automate payroll processing, reducing errors and ensuring timely and accurate payments to your employees.

Recruitment and Applicant Tracking

Simplify the hiring process with efficient job posting, candidate tracking, and onboarding tools.

Performance Management

Set, track, and evaluate employee performance, enabling continuous growth and development.

Training and Development

Identify skill gaps, schedule training programs, and monitor employee development to nurture talent.

Benefits Administration

Manage employee benefits effortlessly, enhancing overall job satisfaction and retention.

Time and Attendance Tracking

Streamline time tracking, monitor overtime, and ensure compliance with labor laws.

Analytics and Reporting

Leverage data insights and reports to make informed HR decisions, spot trends, and improve organizational effectiveness.

Incentive Management

Elevate employee motivation and performance with our Incentive Management feature in the HRMS software

Optimized Workforce Management

Ensure that the right skilled tradespeople are assigned to the appropriate tasks, enhancing facility maintenance and operational continuity.


Absolutely! Our HR software is equipped to handle even the most intricate payroll calculations, ensuring accurate and timely payments to employees.

Yes, our HR software integrates seamlessly with other HR systems, allowing for a smooth transition and efficient operation.

We prioritize data security and implement robust measures to protect employee data, ensuring confidentiality and compliance with privacy regulations.

Absolutely! Our HR software offers performance management features, enabling you to set, track, and evaluate employee performance for continuous growth and development.